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Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to Clean Your Lcd Tv screen

How to Clean Your Lcd Tv screen

* undoubtedly Scratched!

How to Clean Your Lcd Tv screen

How to Clean Your Lcd Tv screen

How to Clean Your Lcd Tv screen

How to Clean Your Lcd Tv screen

How to Clean Your Lcd Tv screen

First we have to understand a little bit of background about Lcd screens to know why we should be faithful when cleaning. Lcd stands for Liquid Crystal Display; which has crystal molecules sandwiched under layers of polarized panels. These panels are normally made of "plastic-like" polymer materials, and like any plastics they can be undoubtedly scratched or gouged, even by just your fingernails! That's why cleaning Lcds requires extra care while cleaning compared to the old glass Crt monitors!

* What You'll Need

- rubbing alcohol (aka isopropyl alcohol)

- distilled water (not tap water!)

- A soft cloth (lint-free)

* Steps

1. Dilute the rubbing alcohol into a mix with about 50% alcohol and the rest distilled water.

2. Pour this explication into a spray bottle. Old Windex bottles are good as they spray in a mist pattern with just the right amount to get good coverage on your screen. The spray bottles that squirt a single stream tend to drip explication all over the place.

3. Spray the mix onto a soft lint-free cloth. Old t-shirts and microfiber car wash cloths are both good choices. Large cloths are better since it helps to cut the risk of leaving streaks on the screen from too much pressure.

4. Slowly wipe the cloth on the screen in a circular consistent motion. Apply even pressure to the cloth and be faithful not to push too hard, or scrape the screen with your fingernails!

* Suggestions

- costly products that you buy at the "computer screen cleaning" aisle of your local computer store contain the same basic ingredients of alcohol and water! Some even contain other harmful chemicals such as ethylene glycol, which may be ok on older glass Crt monitors, but should Not be used on Lcd screens! Some of the extra chemicals can also be harmful to the environment and to your health.

- Be sure to use Mineral water! Not tap water; you don't want hard mineral spots on your screen.

- Don't use tissue paper; they will leave lint and spots of paper stuck to your monitor. Also they're too thin, risking damage from your fingernails poking through.

- Don't apply too much solution. If you do, just wipe it off with the cloth and use less.

- You can also use lint-free lens wipes from photography stores, but they're thinner so be faithful about your fingernails poking through.

- For a cheap ready-made explication from the store, you can also use Cd/Dvd cleaner, It's already designed to be plastic-safe, and is a straightforward explication of about 50% isopropyl alcohol.

* Some Precautions

- Don't use Windex or other glass cleaners! These contain ammonia, which is ok for glass, but Will hurt your Lcd screen!

- Try not to use the undoubtedly cheap paper towels, like the tough brown ones in communal washrooms. They can scratch your screen.

- Be sure to shut down your computer and your monitor, then unplug from the wall. This reduces the risk of electric damage in case you spill some of the explication on components.

- Don't drink isopropyl alcohol! It's toxic!

- If you aren't sure, you can test a small corner of the screen first.

Follow the steps and suggestions above, and your trusty Lcd monitor should give you years of clean, clear, trouble-free service.

How to Clean Your Lcd Tv screen

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Lg Smart Tv Vs Samsung Smart Led Tv

Lg Smart Tv Vs Samsung Smart Led Tv

Smart Tvs have the possible to replace approved Tvs. This innovative tool offers a lot of features a approved Tv set could not give, taking things a step further. It is adequate with developed computing technology which includes internet integration, a set-top box, gaming console, Blu-ray player, local hard drive storage, and other devices. In other words, a smart television is the extreme one-stop home entertainment center.

Lg Smart Tv Vs Samsung Smart Led Tv

Lg Smart Tv Vs Samsung Smart Led Tv

Lg Smart Tv Vs Samsung Smart Led Tv

Lg Smart Tv Vs Samsung Smart Led Tv

Lg Smart Tv Vs Samsung Smart Led Tv

Many paramount electronics manufacturers have tried their hands at making their own smart Tvs. Some companies even join hands to institute this overwhelming entertainment gadget. Logitech, Sony, Intel, and Google, for example, are working together to yield an Android-based Google Tv. Two giant electronics manufacturers Lg and Samsung are currently at the forefront. Both companies also yield their own signature smart televisions. A lot of population tend to compare products from Lg and Samsung because they are both Korean based companies and both target the same market.

The Lg Smart Tv features four entertaining options: the Launcher Bar, superior Content, Tv Live, and Tv Apps. superior contents for this Tv are in case,granted by partners CinemaNow and Netflix. In addition, Lg also provides a vast range of apps fluctuating from educational to gaming purposes. The Smart Share highLight in this stock allows the users to Wirelessly stream videos and listen to music from compatible devices of from their computer. To passage the article without using the computer, the user should only activate the embedded web surfer. In addition, users can also passage Picasa Photo Viewer, Google Maps, YouTube, Amazon Vod, Ap, and Twitter as well. On top of that, the Lg Smart Tv is more affordable than most smart Tvs sold in the market

The Samsung Smart Led Tv, on the other hand, offers more entertaining features. At least five smart options are available: Smart Search, Smart Chat, Smart Video, Smart Design, and Smart 3D. And like the Lg Smart Tv, the features in case,granted in this Samsung Tv also enable the users to passage varied movies, music, Tv programs, videos, and games, not to mention online contents and communal networking sites. Smart 3D is probably the best highLight of Samsung Smart Led Tv. This state of the art tool also boasts vivid image and exquisite color qualities unlike other television displays. This Tv is more high-priced than the Lg Smart Tv. But if you are finding for an exquisite image quality, this is the exquisite smart Tv for you.

Lg Smart Tv Vs Samsung Smart Led Tv

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Lcd Tv Problems - How You Can Fix Them Fast

Lcd Tv Problems - How You Can Fix Them Fast

There are many reasons you could be having problems with your Lcd Tv. The thing to remember is that these things are microprocessor based, just like your computer. That means that at the first sign of issue you should do the same thing you do with your computer; reboot it! That's right, if your Lcd Tv is dead ir unresponsive, turn it off with the remote or Power button, wait about 10 seconds, then unplug it from the wall. After about 1 minute, plug the Power back in and turn the Tv on again. With any luck, your Tv is now fixed. The next thing that causes problems with all new Tvs, not just Lcds is the Hdmi connection.

Lcd Tv Problems - How You Can Fix Them Fast

Lcd Tv Problems - How You Can Fix Them Fast

Lcd Tv Problems - How You Can Fix Them Fast

Lcd Tv Problems - How You Can Fix Them Fast

Lcd Tv Problems - How You Can Fix Them Fast

You see, Hdmi is a fabulous way to get high definition video, but it's so good that the content providers were worried their stuff would end up out on the Internet in pure form, easy to copy and distribute. To preclude such an occurrence, a copy safety project called High Density Copy safety (Hdcp) was developed. This is an electronic data handshake principles where the source and display devices have to identify each other and agree that it's okay to send video. If there is no handshake, or the process gets corrupted in some way, poof, no more video. This question was highly prevalent in the early days of Hdmi, but has been steadily enhancing since about the end of 2007 or early 2008.

If you are having problems with your Tv, it may for real be an Hdmi related issue. Here are some of the problems you might encounter.

Problem 1: No Picture
If you see, or rather don't see this, then shut all down and then restart the system. Make sure all the connections are in place first. Look at the screen. If you see a resolution consideration chances are the Ddc line has communicated in the middle of source and sink. Good news for you! The question is likely video related.

Problem 2: Flashes, No Audio, Pink Screen
No Audio accompanied by a pink screen is commonly indicative of a Ddc communication problem. What's that mean for you? To check this, Power up the principles while all the Hdmi cables are connected. If possible, try using shorter cables. Here you need to see if the principles works at all. If for some reason the principles still fails to come on, try using different inputs. You may find that your cable box will work and your Dvd may not or vice versa. This can happen because of stray capacitance on the Ddc line inside the Hdmi cable. This may for real be caused by the hardware itself. If you think it may be, try getting a Ddc line conditioner. Normally, these types of problems wholly go away when conditioning is introduced.

Problem 3: Sparkles in the Picture
This is commonly a video data transmission problem. Typically data transmission problems with Hdmi are cable related. It could be that the cable is underperforming due to its length. This is especially tasteless with cheap cables. Remember the Hdmi spec says cable length should not exceed 10 meters. Shortening the cable should enhance the signal integrity. Another possibility in this situation is a bad connector. Hdmi connectors are notoriously fickle anyway.Try a new cable at each position along the signal path.

Symptom 4: photo Comes On, Then Goes Off
Typically, this is caused by one of two things. The first is when one or more of the video Tmds channels has a high bit error rate or is not working at all. Next is when the Ddc line doesn't quite make it. In that case, the Hdcp is not getting a new refresh key. Buy a in a good ability cable with larger wire. When it comes to wire gauge, smaller gauge equals bigger wire diameter. Hence 20 gauge is larger diameter than 24 gauge.

If you're having Lcd Tv problems, check these things before you call a Tv fix company. In many cases you can for real fix the question yourself without spending a fortune.

Lcd Tv Problems - How You Can Fix Them Fast

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How Long Does an Lcd Tv Last?

How Long Does an Lcd Tv Last?

Over the past years, Lcd televisions have been very famous. Why is that? You may ask. It is due to the almost perfect image delivery and the clarity that it brings the viewers. Normally, Lcd Tvs last longer than plasma. But of procedure it does not effect that Lcd Tvs will last forever. It does experience wear and tear just like any other appliances. It may malfunction at times based on the twisting and uncoiling of the crystal inside. Time will also come that your Tv will give up and have to retire. But be assured, that when that time comes, you got your money's worth.

How Long Does an Lcd Tv Last?

How Long Does an Lcd Tv Last?

How Long Does an Lcd Tv Last?

How Long Does an Lcd Tv Last?

How Long Does an Lcd Tv Last?

It is said that an average Lcd Tv has a duration of 60,000 - 80,000 hours. When you properly mouth your Lcd Tv, use it under allowable conditions inspecting heat, humidity and other things, it can last as long as 80,000 hours. The quality of display will absolutely deteriorate over time. When that happens, you will start to observation that the photo is getting dimmer as time passes by. The one thing that you must not fail to think in an Lcd Tv is how long chronic the Light source is. There must be a warranty for this one because it is the Light source that controls the image quality and clarity. Given the fact that Lcd Tvs can last for quite a time before finally giving up, one should maximize the conditions when you are using your Lcd television.

To sustain the perfect white balance of your flat screen Tv, it is very vital to think the quality of the Light source. To last longer, the Lighting must be of a high quality. So it is best to pay a higher price for a reputable brand rather than rule for cheaper ones that have no warranty on them. Take into observation the unlikeness level of the television. If the unlikeness levels stay high for a longer duration of time, your Lcd Tv would get old faster. Lower light levels would mean a longer lifespan for your television.

Some flat screen Tvs man-made by Sharp have a cut off light source. This is particularly best than having a light source in the same unit because when the light source is out, then the whole television will no longer serve its purpose. So remember the warranty on the back light. Liquid Crystal Display Tvs cannot be used for a lifetime as compared to other televisions due to the light beams. These beams are the very essence why an Lcd Tv is working. However, maintenance of the Lcd Tv is much easier when compared with the general televisions.

How Long Does an Lcd Tv Last?

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